King’s Call Stockholm at Slaktkyrkan 2023
When Phil Lynott wrote the song King’s Call, as a tribute to Elvis, he also wrote the manual on how to mourn a fallen rock hero. Using that manual, Lynott fans all over the world have gathered on the 4th of January, drinking with their friends and listening to his music, every year since 1986 when Phil sadly passed away.
On January 4, 2023, we are therefore honoring, for the thirteenth time, the music world’s foremost rock poet with the tribute concert King’s Call Stockholm, this year at Slaktkyrkan near Globen in Stockholm.
As in previous years, a number of prominent guest artists together with the house band Philomania will offer an evening packed with classic Philip Lynott and Thin Lizzy songs.
Additional information about guestartists and other things is continuously posted on our facebook page
/The Three Musketeers Allan, Tony & Håkan